Annette Alfonso Agility Workshops at Quicksilver Canine

Monday-Tuesday, March 5-6, 2018

To register e-mail 

Monday, March 5: 9:30am-1:00pm
$100 working a dog (limit 7), $30 auditing (limit 10)
Same Line – Different Handling
In this workshop we will work on recognizing the dog’s line and handling it multiple different ways. Learn how you can help your dog run the most efficient path by careful selection of handling choices and timely execution thereof.
Appropriate for dogs running Novice/Intermediate jumpers courses.

Monday, March 5: 2pm-5:30pm 
$100 working a dog (limit 7), $30 auditing (limit 10)
Mental Game Challenges
Do you find yourself lost on course or unable to think on your feet when things don’t go as planned? Then it’s time to work on YOU! 
This workshop will help you prepare yourself mentally to be the best handler you can be for your dog, to set goals for every run and handle with intent.

Using fun game challenges, we will focus on the handler’s ability to recognize sequence elements that will simplify their decision making. Any handling option can work as long as you make it your own and execute it with confidence. Take the challenge to train your brain.
Appropriate for dogs running jump sequences with 10 or more jumps.

Tuesday, March 6: 9:00am-12:30pm
$100 working a dog (limit 7), $30 auditing (limit 10)
Jumping Skills
We will set a variety of stations that will each work on a different skill. The goal is for your dog to learn how to control their jumping and improve on their style. 
Appropriate for novice, advanced and excellent level dogs.

Tuesday, March 6: 1:30pm-5:00pm
$100 working a dog (limit 7), $30 auditing (limit 10)
Agility 3D
This workshop will test your skills with exciting distance, discrimination and distraction challenges. It’s a great opportunity to showcase your team’s strengths and work on your weaknesses.
DISTANCE – We don’t mean just the kind you need for Gamblers/FAST. We mean the one that will put you ahead on course. Make every step count!
DISCRIMINATION – Work on your handling as well as your dog’s ability to keep the line you have set and not take their obstacle of preference! Subtle challenges are sometimes the harder ones. Recognize them, so you can handle them!
DISTRACTION – There is no “I” in Team. Both members of the team should work on focus and fighting for the course even when things don’t go as planned.
Appropriate for Excellent/Master level teams.