Open to dogs and handlers with solid agility foundations and exposure to jumps and tunnels. In this 1.5 hour class we cover introductions to contact obstacles and weave poles, as well as short sequences of jumps and tunnels. Gain proficiency in chaining obstacles together, finding dog and handler lines, start-line behaviors, and front and blind crosses. Learn the process of teaching a solid contact behavior and the process of teaching weave poles using the 2×2 method. Each class is limited to 6 dog/handler teams. Preregistration and payment is required, but you may choose to register/pay for as many or as few classes as you like. When registering, please indicate the dates you wish to attend.

  • Dates: July 10, 17, 24, 31; August 7, 14, 28
  • Time: 7:00-8:30pm
  • Price: $30/class
  • To register, please e-mail